
Using the Page Object Model with TestCafe

Last edit: Jul 14, 2023

This guide will help you use the Page Object Model (POM) pattern with TestCafe.

The Page Object Model (POM) pattern consists of selectors, URL addresses, and constants, which you can use in a separate "page" file. You import this file to your test and then assign the action to be executed on each element.

Thanks to this approach, it will be easier to maintain the tests, because if there is a necessity to make some changes, the test itself will remain intact, and it will be possible to only modify the selectors or URL addresses in one "page" file.


To follow the steps in this tutorial, you should be familiar with writing TestCafe tests:


Using the Page Object Model with TestCafe is a four-step process:

Step 1: Create page-object.js

In the catalog with an example test, create a /pages folder, and in it, a page-object.js file with a Page class.

export default class Page {
    constructor () {

Step 2: Add selectors

Add three selectors used in the test in the Page class.

import { Selector } from 'testcafe';

export default class Page {
  constructor() {
    this.successNotification = Selector('#developer-name');
    this.emailInput = Selector('#form_email')
    this.submitButton = Selector('button.btn.btn-primary');

Create page-object.js links in the test file, as well as in the instance of the Page class. Then, use these fields in the test actions:

import Page from './pages/page-object';

const page = new Page();

fixture `My first fixture`
  .page `https://examples.platform-os.com/full-form-example`;

test('My first test', async t => {

  await t
    .typeText(page.emailInput, 'user_test@test.com')
    .expect(page.successNotification.innerText).eql('This is flash notice (success)');

Step 4: Start test

Start the test and check its result.

Screenshot of test running in Terminal. 1 test passed.


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