
Platforms for Future — How to Leverage Communities to Unlock Network Effects

Last edit: Jul 14, 2023

Date: January 15, 2021
Event: Platforms for Future podcast interview
Speaker: Adam Broadway, platformOS Founder and CEO

Platforms for Future

Platforms for Future is a podcast by Matthias Walter and Nathalie Dumas Lamborghini of Fastbreak.one, who are dedicated to helping business leaders understand, plan and leverage platforms. They are also the driving force behind the highly respected platforminnovationkit.com.

How to Leverage Communities to Unlock Network Effects

In episode #003, platformOS founder and CEO Adam Broadway, was asked to share his experience building complex platforms and marketplaces and about the power of communities of practice to drive same-side network effects.

Topics discussed

  • Adam’s journey in the world of platforms (Adobe Business Catalyst, Near Me Marketplaces, DesksNearMe, platformOS)
  • platformOS compared to other platforms
  • Communities as the key enabler for network effects
  • Communities of interest and communities of practice — roles, differences, examples
  • Why marketplace builders should focus on communities of practice
  • Why practitioners need to own their communities and data
  • The role of communities to drive network effects
  • Strategies for platforms to stimulate and engage communities
  • Using predictive analytics (and network & link analysis) to identify and give a voice to influencers and peer group leaders, thereby socially engineering desired outcomes
  • Why having access and ownership to your own data is critical
  • Having a positive impact on society and the environment
  • Case studies: Intel DevMesh, Hallmark Keepsake Ornament Club (members only)

Listen to the podcast

You can listen to this Platforms for Future podcast on:
iTunes, Spotify, Google, Deezer, or read their summary of the episode in the article How to leverage communities to unlock network effects.


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