
Handling Valid Input

Last edit: Sep 16, 2024

When the user submits valid input through the Contact Us form, we need to perform a few actions:

  • Store the contact data in the database.
  • Send a confirmation email to the user (a simple static confirmation that their request was received.)
  • Redirect the user to /contacts/thanks and display a simple “Thank you” message.

Storing the contact details in the database

To store contact requests in the database, we need to create a new table. First, we will define the schema for this table.

Create a table

Navigate to your project root and create a new directory named schema.

mkdir app/schema

Inside the schema directory, create a contact.yml file:


- name: email
- name: body

By default, properties in this YAML file are treated as strings, so you don't need to specify the data types explicitly. This schema definition is enough to create the table.

Test if the table exists in the database

After defining the schema, you can verify the table creation by accessing the database interface. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3333/database. You should see the new table with email and body columns, both of which are strings:

Database interface showing the newly created table with email and body columns

Create the Execute command

Now that we have our schema in place, let's integrate these actions into our application by updating the necessary files and configurations. Our goal is to validate the contact form and persist the valid data in the database. To achieve this, we will create a Liquid file that executes a GraphQL mutation.

First, create the execute.liquid file in the following directory:


To populate it, you don’t have to write the execute command from scratch. Instead, let's refer to the core module documentation’s Execute section. Here's the example execute command you can use:

{% liquid
  graphql r = 'dummy/create', args: object

  assign object = r.record_create
  hash_assign object['valid'] = true

  return object

Copy the code above from the core module documentation and paste it into your execute.liquid file. Make the following modifications:


{% liquid
  graphql r = 'contacts/create', args: object

  assign object = r.record_create
  hash_assign object['valid'] = true

  return object

This command executes a GraphQL mutation to persist the data and prepares the object for further validation. Let’s break it down:

 graphql r = 'contacts/create', args: object

This line uses the graphql tag to execute a GraphQL mutation. The mutation is named contacts/create, and it takes object as an argument.

assign object = r.record_create

This line assigns the result of the mutation to the object variable.

hash_assign object['valid'] = true

This line artificially assigns the valid property of the object to true. This is done for consistency, as this property will be used in the check command.

Invoke the execute command in the create.liquid file

Now that we have the execute command set up, we need to invoke this command within our main create.liquid file to handle the form submission process. Our goal is to ensure that the execute command is properly called after the build and check commands validate the contact data.

Modify your app/lib/commands/contacts/create.liquid file:


{% function contact = 'commands/contacts/create/build', object: object %}
{% function contact_after_validation = 'commands/contacts/create/check', object: contact %}

{% if contact_after_validation.valid %}
    {% function contact_after_execute = 'commands/contacts/create/execute', object: contact_after_validation %}
{% endif %}

{% return contact_after_execute %}

Let’s see what we do here:

{% function contact = 'commands/contacts/create/build', object: object %}

This line invokes the build command, passing the object (the form data). The result is assigned to the contact variable.

{% function contact_after_validation = 'commands/contacts/create/check', object: contact %}

This line invokes the check command with the contact object. The result is assigned to the contact_after_validation variable.

As you notice, we added a conditional execute command invocation:

{% if contact_after_validation.valid %}
    {% function contact_after_execute = 'commands/contacts/create/execute', object: contact_after_validation %}
{% endif %}

If the contact_after_validation object is valid, the execute command is invoked, passing the validated contact object. The result is assigned to the contact_after_execute variable.

{% return contact_after_execute %}

Then the final result after execution is returned.

If you try it, the invalidation won't work correctly. For valid inputs, when the user submits the form, everything will function as expected. However, for invalid inputs, the system will still attempt to return contact_after_execute even though it hasn't reached that point because contact_after_validation.valid is false in this scenario. This means we'll end up returning null, which results in losing information about validation error messages and the original user input.

A way to fix it would be by returning the correct variable if valid is false:

{% if contact_after_validation.valid %}
    {% function contact_after_execute = 'commands/contacts/create/execute', object: contact_after_validation %}
    {% return contact_after_execute %}
{% else %}
    {% return contact_after_validation %}
{% endif %}

Instead of these solutions, let’s rename everything to object:


{% function object = 'commands/contacts/create/build', object: object %}
{% function object = 'commands/contacts/create/check', object: object %}

{% if object.valid %}
    {% function object = 'commands/contacts/create/execute', object: object %}
{% endif %}
{% return object %}

Create GraphQL Mutation

The final step is to create a GraphQL mutation to persist the contact data in the database. This involves creating the necessary directories and files to store the GraphQL mutation.

Create the directory structure

Navigate to your project root and create the necessary folders for storing GraphQL files:

mkdir -p app/graphql/contacts

Create the GraphQL mutation file

Inside the app/graphql/contacts directory, create a file named create.graphql


Define the mutation

Open app/graphql/contacts/create.graphql and add the following mutation code:


mutation contact_create($email: String!, $body: String!) {
    record: {
      table: "contact"
      properties: [
        { name: "email", value: $email }
        { name: "body", value: $body }
  ) {
    email: property(name: "email")
    body: property(name: "body")

Let’s break it down to see what happens:

mutation contact_create($email: String!, $body: String!) {

This line defines the mutation contact_create and specifies that it requires two parameters: email and body, both of which are strings and must be provided (! indicates non-nullable).

  record: {
    table: "contact"
    properties: [
      { name: "email", value: $email }
      { name: "body", value: $body }
) {

This block specifies the record_create mutation, which creates a new record in the contact table. The properties array defines the fields to be populated with the values of $email and $body.

email: property(name: "email")
body: property(name: "body")

These lines define the fields that will be returned after the record is created. This includes the id, email, body, and created_at timestamp.

Special arguments: args

In the context of platformOS, the args parameter serves as a special argument that can be either a hash or a string of arguments passed to the GraphQL query.

When passing multiple arguments at once, you can encapsulate them within a JSON string. For example:

{% capture arguments %}
  "per_page": 20,
  "page": 2
{% endcapture %}

{% graphql g = "get_models", args: arguments %}

Without using args, you would need to specify each argument individually like this:

{% graphql g = "get_models", page: 2, per_page: 20 %}

While for a small number of arguments, this may not seem particularly beneficial, it becomes more advantageous when dealing with a larger number of arguments, such as 10 or 20.

To learn more about how args function, refer to the examples provided in the Liquid Tags chapter of the documentation.

Testing the mutation using GraphiQL

The GraphiQL interface allows you to simulate and verify your GraphQL mutation before fully integrating it into your application. Let’s test the mutation we created!

Navigate to the GraphiQL interface at http://localhost:3333/gui/graphql/. Paste the mutation code you have at app/graphql/contacts/create.graphql to verify its functionality.

Below the editor, find the section to add query variables. Paste the following JSON code into the variables section for the test:

  "email": "testemail@email.com",
  "body": "Hello! This is my message"

Click the execute button and check the response to ensure that the mutation executed successfully. You should see a response containing the ID, email, body, and created_at fields, indicating that the record has been created in the database. The response should look something like this:

  "data": {
    "record_create": {
      "id": "9",
      "email": "testemail@email.com",
      "body": "Hello! This is my message",
      "created_at": "2024-06-04T14:04:24.224Z"

To ensure the data has been correctly stored in your platformOS database, navigate to your database interface at http://localhost:3333/database. Search for the newly created contact record to confirm its presence and validate that the email and body fields have been correctly stored.

Testing GraphQL mutation in action


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