
Handling Read Activities

Last edit: Dec 07, 2023

This guide will help you handle an unread counter and mark your activites as read.


This is an advanced tutorial. To follow it, you should be familiar with basic platformOS concepts, the topics in the Get Started section, and activity feeds.


Step 1: Create activities and store them in a feed like in Implementing Activity Feeds.

Step 2: Get unread counter with your stream

query get_activities(
  $user_id: ID!
  $feed_type: String!
  $per_page: Int
  $page: Int
  $reset_last_read: false
) {
    feed_id: $user_id
    feed_type: $feed_type
    per_page: $per_page
    page: $page
    reset_last_read: $reset_last_read
  ) {
    results {

Notice that unread_count appears in the response.

Step 3: Reset unread counter

You can reset unread_count with the same query by setting $reset_last_read to true.

Step 4: Handle read activities one by one

Imagine the following scenario:

  • you want to reset the counter when the user visits the activities (or notifications) page
  • but you want to keep the activites that the user has not clicked yet unread

You can implement this scenario with the following steps:

1: Create another stream to store the clicked/read activities

{% liquid
  assign recipients = context.current_user.id | split: "|"
  graphql gp = 'activity_publish', uuid: activity.uuid, feed_ids: recipients, feed_type: 'UserNotifications.Read'

2: Get them when you load the main activities

{% liquid
  assign current_page = context.params.current_page | to_positive_integer: 1

  graphql g = 'get_activities', user_id: context.current_user.id, feed_type: 'UserNotifications'
  graphql gclicked = 'get_activities', user_id: context.current_user.id, feed_type: 'UserNotifications.Read'

  assign notifications = g.streams.results
  assign clicked_uuids = gclicked.streams.results | map: 'payload' | map: 'uuid'

3: Create a wrapper and handle if an activity has been clicked before

{% capture 'notifications' -%}
  { "total_entries": {{ g.streams.total_entries }},
    "unread_count": {{ g.streams.unread_count }},
    "results": [
      {%- for notification in notifications -%}
        {%- assign is_clicked = false -%}
        {%- if clicked_uuids contains notification.uuid -%}
          {%- assign is_clicked = true -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- unless forloop.first -%},{%- endunless -%}
          "id": {{ notification.id }},
          "uuid": {{ notification.uuid }},
          "clicked": {{ is_clicked -}},
          "payload": {
            {%- for field in notification.payload -%}
              "{{ field[0] }}" : {{ field[1] }}{%- unless forloop.last -%},{%- endunless -%}
            {%- endfor -%}
      {%- endfor -%}
{%- endcapture -%}

{% assign notifications = notifications | to_hash %}

4: Mark all notifications as clicked

{% liquid
  assign recipients = context.current_user.id | split: "|"
  graphql notifications = 'get_activities', user_id: context.current_user.id | dig: 'streams', 'results'

  for notification in notifications
    graphql pg = 'activity_publish',  uuid: notification.uuid, feed_ids: recipients, feed_type: 'UserNotifications.Read'


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