
Built-In Features of the pOS Marketplace Template

Last edit: Jul 14, 2023

This article includes the latest list of features in the pOS Marketplace Template. We describe each feature through user stories — short, simple descriptions of the feature told from the perspective of the person who uses it.

We continuously add new features and update this list.


The user stories in the feature list refer to these predefined roles:

  • Anonymous user: A user browsing the marketplace who has not registered (yet).
  • Registered user: A user who has registered an account on the marketplace.
  • Buyer: User who purchases items on the marketplace. Currently, the Buyer can use the shopping cart functionality without registering but has to register during checkout.
  • Merchant: (Invited by admins only) User registered as a Merchant on the marketplace, sells items.
  • Admin: User registered as an administrator of the marketplace, have permissions to manage and explore user activity (Buyers, Merchants).
  • Company Employee: Employees and other team members (e.g. contractors) of the company that owns the marketplace.



We strive to use inclusive language and avoid writing "see" as described in our Documentation Style Guide. We use it here because we want to keep user stories compatible with End-to-End tests. For example, in platformos-documentation/tests/codecept/Navigation_test.js: I.see("Liquid Markup", "aside .active a");


Sign-up functionality including verification for already taken email address and valid email format.

User stories

As a Buyer,

  • I can sign up.
  • I cannot sign up using an already taken email address.
  • I cannot sign up using an invalid email address.


Login functionality for different roles in the marketplace (Admin, Buyer, Merchant) that includes verification of credentials, email addresses, and consent to Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. It also includes a password reset functionality.

User stories

As a Buyer,

  • I can log in using valid credentials.

As a Merchant,

  • I can log in using valid credentials.

As an Admin,

  • I can log in using valid credentials.

As a registered user,

  • I have to provide a valid email address (the system verifies validity).
  • I can request to reset my password.
  • I can enter the reset password page form and reset my password.
  • I must agree to Terms of Service and Privacy Policy conditions.


Language-switcher functionality.

User stories

As an anonymous user,

  • I can change between different languages of the marketplace.
  • I can browse the user interface and item details in the language I selected.

Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart functionality for anonymous and registered users (Buyers) to put items in the shopping cart, remove them, change their quantities, and pay for them.

User stories

As an anonymous user,

  • I can add a product to the shopping cart.
  • I can register and add another product to the same shopping cart as a registered user.
  • I can remove an item from the shopping cart.
  • I can change the quantity of an item in the shopping cart.
  • I can see the number of items in the shopping cart in navigation.
  • I can see the price for each product and the total price for all products added to the cart.
  • I can continue shopping after adding an item to the cart.
  • I can't add/have more than the limit provides for maximum shopping cart price and/or max line items.

As a registered user,

  • I can add a product to the shopping cart.
  • I can add the same product to the shopping cart.
  • I can add another product to the shopping cart from the same Merchant.
  • I can add another product to the shopping cart from another Merchant.
  • I can remove an item from the shopping cart.
  • I can go back to the shopping cart if I abandon the flow before Payment.
  • I can change the quantity of an item in the shopping cart.
  • I can see the number of items in the shopping cart in navigation.
  • I can continue shopping after adding an item to the cart.
  • I can't add/have more than the limit provides for maximum shopping cart price and/or max line items.

Search functionality for items, with quick search feature, and sorting by price, relevance, merchant, category, and keyword.

User stories

As an anonymous or registered user,

  • I can see a list of relevant products when I enter a search keyword.
  • I can sort search results by price (ascending and descending) and relevance.
  • I can set a minimum and maximum Price.
  • I can set a category filter and min/max price all at once.
  • I can search for products belonging to multiple merchants.
  • I can use 'quick search' for quick product search.
  • I won't see affiliate links when sorting by price.
  • I am taken to the product detail page after clicking a product image or name in the search results.

As a Buyer,

  • I can see SEO friendly URLs for items.
  • I can see SEO friendly search page.
  • I can search for items by category, and keyword.
  • I can browse products belonging to a selected Merchant.
  • I can see a list of all Merchants.


Functionality related to the display of items sold on the marketplace.

User stories

As a registered user,

  • I can add a product to the wishlist.
  • I can remove a product from the wishlist.
  • I can access the wishlist with a list of items that I could add.

As a Buyer,

  • I can see the merchant's name that the product belongs to.
  • I can contact a merchant to obtain more information about a product.
  • I can see if an item is out of stock.
  • I can see if a product is available only on a merchant's site.
  • I can see shipping type information in the product details page.
  • I can see the price before and after the discount.


Features for Merchants.

User stories

As a Merchant,

  • I can list my Inventory.
  • I can give each of my employees separate credentials.
  • I can manage stock for items.


Features for managing orders.

User stories

As a Merchant,

  • I can see my orders.
  • I receive an order confirmation via email.
  • I can cancel orders.
  • I can see details of orders.
  • I can see the status of an order.
  • I get notified if a Buyer cancels an order.
  • I can set my order to automatically expire after 'x' time in case the Buyer doesn't pay for this order.

As a Buyer,

  • I receive an order confirmation via email.
  • I can cancel my unpaid order.
  • I can see my orders.
  • I can see the details of orders.
  • I can change my order's delivery address.
  • I can see the status of my order.
  • I can choose a delivery option between pick-up by myself and shipping to address.

As a registered user,

  • I can see my order history.
  • I can proceed to checkout.
  • I can pay for my order using mobicash.


Functionalities related to shipping and delivery.

User stories

As a Merchant,

  • I can reject the return request.
  • I can approve the return request.
  • I can see return request details.
  • I can mark an order as ready to be picked up.
  • I can mark an order as shipped.

As a Buyer,

  • my default address persists.
  • I can return an item within X days (per Item).
  • I am informed about delivery updates.
  • I can select a method for returning an item (store or delivery).
  • I have the possibility to return a specific quantity of the product I ordered.


User profile-related functionality.

As a Buyer,

  • I can change my email, first name, last name, and mobile phone number.

As a registered user,

  • I can set a username.
  • I can change my username.
  • I can upload an avatar.
  • I can visit another user’s profile.
  • I can see another user’s products added to the marketplace, users following and followed by.
  • I can follow another user.
  • If I follow another user, I can see the activity of followed users in the activity feed on the marketplace.

Company Admin Portal

The Company Admin Portal provides management functionalities for the employees of the marketplace owner.

User stories

As a Company Employee,

  • I can log in to the Admin Portal.
  • I can see all the sold items.
  • I can see the list of signed up users.
  • I can see the list of imported products.
  • I can see submitted orders.
  • I can monitor all eCommerce activities in one dashboard.


User stories

As an anonymous user,

  • I can contact the support of the marketplace owner company.
  • I can enter terms of service, FAQ, privacy policy pages.
  • I’m directed to a 404 page if I enter a page that doesn’t exist.

As a registered user,

  • I receive emails in the language that I set up during registration.

As a Buyer,

  • I can share a link to the product and see a nice summary of the link (using OG tags).


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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