
Design Guidelines

Last edit: Jul 14, 2023

This article provides information about the Design Style Guide of the pOS Marketplace Template that you can use when contributing to or developing your own projects on the pOS Marketplace Template.

The Design Style Guide is a single place to find all visual styles such as headers, links, buttons, colors, fonts, and other common user interface elements of the application. Since the Marketplace Template is a foundation for building various applications, it is a perfect place to start designing and customizing it your own way.

  • It allows you to build a theme and customize the site much faster.
  • It helps you build new pages easier thanks to the list of available interface elements.
  • Design consistency is easier to maintain.
  • Designers, developers, and content owners can use it as a single point of reference.
  • New members to the team will have an easier start with all available elements documented.
  • It allows you to standarize both code and design across the whole site.

When using the Template you can find the guidelines via the /style-guide URL.

How to use

Each interface element has an example of how it looks and works and also an example of code (or a class name) next to it that allows you to copy & paste to use.

  • Start by customizing the colors in tailwind.config.js. For reference of other customization options, please refer to the official Tailwind CSS documentation.
  • Customize the typography and basic web elements in body.css or in a corresponding CSS component file in src/components/.
  • Customize the shared user interface elements by editing their template partials in theme/simple/ui.

When to add

Each interface element used more than once on the site should be extracted to a separate component. For the guideline to fulfill its role, it needs to be adequately maintained.

There are three places where you can add and edit the interface elements:

  • The colors, shadows, font stacks, and spacings can be edited and added to tailwind.config.js.
  • The basic interface elements like headings, buttons, and links are styled in src/css folder. The CSS should be used only for components that don't rely on the HTML structure to work.
  • More advanced components that are depending on their HTML structure should be extracted to a template partial and are stored in theme/simple/ui. Template partials use the Liquid templating language.

When adding an element to the guidelines, make sure that you do not duplicate anything that is already there. Do you really need a 6th version of the button? Each added element should:

  • have a working example;
  • have some simple documentation on how to use it in the form of a code sample or class name;
  • be placed correctly in a corresponding section for easier navigation through the document.


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