

Last edit: Sep 23, 2024


User is a built-in object that's used for any authentication and authorization related logic.

All user data is stored in the Relational Database, same as Records, however it has its own set of GraphQL queries, GraphQL mutations and Liquid tags and objects that are specific to authentication and authorization.


To learn about the basic usage to implement authentication, please follow Getting Started with User Authentication article.
There is also a pos-module-user which allows you to easily add authentication and authorization to your application.

Built-in User fields

There are three main fields that you will find useful when working with User's authentication:

** email ** - case insensitive, unique field that is used as a main user identifier
** password ** - a virtual field (its value is never stored in the database), allows you to set the user password - behind the scenes it is hashed using bcrypt2 password hashing function
** encrypted_password ** - the result of the bcrypt2 password hashing function

Adding Properties to the User

You can add Properties to the User table by specifying them in app/user.yml the same way how you are would configure properties in your tables. Example app/user.yml file, which adds to properties to the User - role and last_signed_in_at:

- name: role
  type: string
- name: last_sign_in_at
  type: datetime


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