
[DEPRECATED] Creating a User Profile

Last edit: Jun 06, 2024


This article series promote UserProfiles and Forms, which are deprecated. We decided to reduce the learning curve by promoting explicit implementation via Liuid, Pages and GraphQL, instead of a built-in features, which add magic into the mix and hence increase the learning curve and makes debugging harder. Please refer to our Get Started to read up-to date articles, including User Authentication

This guide will help you create User Profiles for your platformOS site.

For the sake of the tutorials in this section, we will assume that you want to build a marketplace which connects Developers (who build marketplaces) with Clients (who want to hire them). In order to display a different UI based on their role in the marketplace, you will create two profiles: developer and client.


To follow the steps in this tutorial, you should be familiar with the required directory structure for your codebase, and understand the concept of users.


Creating a User Profile is a two-step process:

Step 1: Create yml file

Create two yml files for the two User Profiles (developer and client) in the app/user_profile_types directory. Name the files developer.yml and client.yml.

Step 2: Edit User Profile

name: developer
  - name: enabled
    type: boolean
  - name: bio
    type: string
  - name: years_of_experience
    type: integer
  - name: hourly_rate
    type: float


  • name: the most important setting. Its snake case version is used in many places like Form and GraphQL.
  • properties: the heart of User Profiles, that allow you to specify Properties for the User Profile. They are used to build customized forms that gather user input during registration for later display. They take an array of elements that consist of name and type. To learn more, check our full Properties documentation.

Similarly, add content to the client.yml User Profile:

name: client
  - name: enabled
    type: boolean

Save your User Profiles.

Next steps

Congratulations! You have created User Profiles. Now you can create a sign-up form:


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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