
Adding Visuals to Pages: Javascript

Last edit: Jun 06, 2024

This guide will help you add visuals (images) to your pages using Javascript.


To follow the steps in this tutorial, you should be familiar with the required directory structure for your codebase, and understand the concepts of pages, layouts, and assets. The example in this tutorial modifies the layout application.liquid used in the previous tutorial.


Adding visuals to your pages using Javascript is a three-step process:

  1. Prepare an image
  2. Add Javascript to your layout
  3. Check page source

Step 1: Prepare an image

Put an image into the app/assets/images directory, e.g. logo.svg.

Step 2: Add Javascript to your layout

Add a piece of script that will console log the image URL. This would normally be your plugin loaded at the end of the page, or on the jQuery ready event after the HTML has loaded.

You can pass the URL of the asset (image) using the data attribute and the asset_url filter, that takes a string as an argument, and returns a string representing the URL to this asset served by our CDN.

You can also do it inline in script placing the image URL into a global variable or object – and of course, you can still use the asset_url filter.

  <div class="logo" data-image="{{ 'images/logo.svg' | asset_url }}"></div>
    var imageUrl = "{{ 'images/logo.svg' | asset_url }}";
    console.log('Image: ', imageUrl);

Sync or deploy.

Step 3: Check page source

Check the source code of your page. Both the data-image and the imageUrl variable have the correct URL of the image on the CDN.

Next steps

Congratulations! You have learned how to add an image to your pages using Javascript. You can also learn about adding visuals to your pages using CSS.


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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