
Loading Related Records From an Array Property

Last edit: Jul 14, 2023

The related records graphql argument can be a really powerful tool that allows you to quickly build flexible structures.
Using foreign_property along with join_on_property you can define relationships on the fly and load any nested data within a single query.

We extended the scope of the join_on_property and now it also accepts and resolves queries with the property of array type.

In this tutorial, you will learn how join_on_property can be used based on a real scenario.

You will use the new function to build a homepage that presents 3 lists:

  • most popular programmers
  • most valuable programmers
  • and most popular companies

One way of solving this is to create three queries and calculate what to display each time the page is accessed. But this is not recommended, at least on the homepage, as it is the very first page of our site. We have to make sure it loads as quickly as possible.
Moreover, pages based on live queries are hard to customize - imagine you want to add one extra record to be displayed which is not accessible by the query. Then create next query... oh wait. Why is the page so slow?

You need to figure out something better - you need an extra structure.


This is an advanced tutorial. To follow it, you should be familiar with Tables, Properties, and Loding Related Records


Loading related records form an array property following this scenario is a four-step process:

Step 1: Create record type

Create a special record type ranking.

name: ranking
  - name: name
    type: string

  - name: company_ids
    type: array
    belongs_to: company

  - name: vip_programmer_ids
    type: array
    belongs_to: programmer

  - name: featured_programmer_ids
    type: array
    belongs_to: programmer

It consists of three properties of the type array which will serve as cache containers of the homepage lists.
[parameter belongs_to is currently only used during import/export operations]

Step 2: Create first record

Now create the first record of the ranking record schema that executes the following query:

mutation createRanking {
    record: {
      table: "ranking"
  ) {

Step 3: Populate ranking record

You are now ready to populate the ranking record.

mutation updateRecord($companies: [String], $vips: [String], $featured: [String]) {
    id: 167655
    record: {
      properties: [
          name: "company_ids",
          value_array: $companies
          name: "vip_programmer_ids"
          value_array: $vips
          name: "featured_programmer_ids",
          value_array: $featured
  }) {

Alternatively, you can add a single ID to a specific field with the following query:

mutation updateRecord($name: String!, $id: String) {
    id: 167655
    record: {
      properties: [
        { name: $name, array_append: $id }
  }) {
    property_array(name: $name)

If you want to remove an element from an array use: array_remove.

Step 4: Fetch ranking record

Finally you are ready to fetch the ranking record.

query rankings {
  rankings: records(
    per_page: 1,
    sort: {
      created_at: { order: DESC }
    filter: {
      name: { value: "ranking" }
  ) {
    results {
      vips: related_records(
        join_on_property: "vip_programmer_ids",
        foreign_property: "id",
      ) {
        name: property(name: "name")

      featured: related_records(
        join_on_property: "featured_programmer_ids",
        foreign_property: "id",
      ) {
        name: property(name: "name")

      companies: related_records(
        join_on_property: "company_ids",
        foreign_property: "id",
      ) {
        name: property(name: "name")

As a result, you will get a ranking record filled with nested objects - featured programmers and popular companies - ready to be presented on the page.

Your homepage - backed up by really simple structure - will load much faster, because it is only one query.
In addition (even though you added some extra code) the final solution is clearer than a complex query and easier to maintain and extend.


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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