Sending custom_arguments to Sendgrid via API Call Notification
This guide will help you send custom_arguments to Sendgrid using API Call Notifications.
To follow this tutorial, you should be familiar with creating API Call Notifications. You also have to have access to SendGrid, and be familiar with the SendGrid API.
Step 1: Create email form
Create a page with a form.
slug: admin/mail_send
<div class="form-element">
<input type="text" id="mail-subject"/>
<label class="mt-3">To:</label>
<input type="text" id="mail-to"/>
<label class="mt-3">Cc:</label>
<input type="text" id="mail-cc"/>
<label class="mt-3">Bcc:</label>
<input type="text" id="mail-bcc"/>
<label class="mt-3">From:</label>
<input type="text" id="mail-from"/>
<label class="mt-3">Content (html)</label>
<textarea id="mail-html-content" rows="6" cols="55"></textarea>
<label class="mt-3">Content (plain text)</label>
<textarea id="mail-plain-content" rows="6" cols="55"></textarea>
<label class="mt-3">Custom Arguments</label>
<textarea id="mail-custom-arguments" rows="6" cols="55">
{ "example": "argument" }
<button type="button" id="mail-send" class="mt-3 btn btn-primary">Send</button>
Step 2: Gather, validate, and send form data
Create the Javascript code that gathers the form data, validates it, and sends it to the app. Note: The code below assumes that the jQuery library is present.
$('#mail-send').click((event) => {
// scanning the recipient fields for addresses separated by commas, semicolons or spaces
let to = $('#mail-to').val().match(/[^\s,;]{6,}/g);
let cc = $('#mail-cc').val().match(/[^\s,;]{6,}/g);
let bcc = $('#mail-bcc').val().match(/[^\s,;]{6,}/g);
if (!to) {
alert('Enter at least one address in the To field');
var custom_args;
try {
// validating the custom args json data
custom_args = JSON.parse($('#mail-custom-arguments').val());
} catch (err) {
alert('Invalid JSON in Custom Arguments');
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
url: '/admin/mail_send.json',
data: {
subject: $('#mail-subject').val(),
to: to,
cc: cc,
bcc: bcc,
from: $('#mail-from').val(),
html_content: $('#mail-html-content').val(),
plain_content: $('#mail-plain-content').val(),
custom_args: custom_args,
success: function (data) {
if (data.status >= 200 && data.status < 300) {
alert('Mail sent successfully');
} else if (data.status >= 400 && data.status < 500) {
// In case of error we display the error message(s) returned by Sendgrid
JSON.parse(data.body) => err.message)
} else {
// some API internal error
alert('An error occurred');
error: function (data) {
alert('Could not send request');
Step 3: Create endpoint to receive and relay form data
Create the app endpoint that receives the form data and relays it to Sendgrid, after which it makes the Sendgrid response available to the Javascript code. This endpoint builds a JSON payload ready to be used as a Sendgrid request, based on the form data. Don't build the JSON directly in Javascript for security reasons. Execute a GraphQL mutation that sends the payload, then output the response from Sendgrid.
slug: admin/mail_send
format: json
method: post
{% parse_json request_data %}
"personalizations": [
"to": [
{%- for email in -%}
"email": {{ email | to_json }}
} {%- unless forloop.last -%}, {%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if != blank -%}
"cc": [
{%- for email in -%}
"email": {{ email | to_json }}
} {%- unless forloop.last -%}, {%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if params.bcc != blank -%}
"bcc": [
{%- for email in params.bcc -%}
"email": {{ email | to_json }}
} {%- unless forloop.last -%}, {%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
"from": {
"email": {{ params.from | to_json }}
"subject": {{ params.subject | to_json }},
"custom_args": {{ params.custom_args | to_json }},
"content": [
{%- if params.plain_content != blank -%}
"type": "text/plain",
"value": {{ params.plain_content | to_json }}
{%- endif -%}
"type": "text/html",
"value": {{ params.html_content | to_json }}
{% endparse_json %}
{% graphql g = 'mail_send', data: request_data %}
{{ g.api_call_send.response }}
Step 4: Create GraphQL mutation
Create a GraphQL mutation. The "template" specifies a so-called "API Call Notification".
mutation mail_send($data: HashObject) {
data: $data
template: { name: "mail_send" }
) {
response {
errors {
Step 5: Create API Call Notification
Create an API Call Notification. This file is a configuration file that contains API interfacing information such as the API URL, API key, and the API request body.
It is recommended that the API key is not entered in clear text, but instead stored as a site constant, and fetched as follows:
"Authorization": "{{ 'Bearer ' | append: context.constants.sendgrid_api_key }}"
name: mail_send
enabled: true
format: https
trigger_condition: true
request_type: post
callback: >
{%- assign response_data = response.body | to_hash -%}
{% if response_data.errors %}
{%- log response_data.errors, type: 'mail_send' -%}
{% endif %}
headers: >
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer <<SENDGRID_API_KEY_HERE>>"
{{ data }}