Deleting a User
This guide will help you delete a user on the Partner Portal.
To be able to delete a user on the Partner Portal, you have to have access to the Partner Portal, and the user you would like delete.
Deleting a user is a two-step process:
Step 1: Locate user
Log in to the Partner Portal. In the menu on the left, click on Users
. In the list of users, select the user by clicking on its email address.
Step 2: Delete user
On the selected user's page, click on Delete [email address of user]
. A confirmation message is displayed, click OK
to proceed.
The user was deleted, the message User [email address of user] was successfully deleted.
is displayed.
Next steps
Congratulations! You know how to delete a user on the Partner Portal. Now you can learn about changing the Partner that a user belongs to: