
Setting Up Instance and Partner Permissions for Users Outside of Your Own Partner

Last edit: Jul 14, 2023

This guide will help you give Instance and Partner permissions to any user, even if they don't belong to your Partner, via email. This makes it possible to share resources between different companies.

Permissions include:

  • Read, Write, or Write and Deploy permissions to selected Instances
  • Read or Write permissions to selected Partners


To be able to set up permissions for users on the Partner Portal, you have to have access to the Partner Portal. The two other tutorials linked below describe the process of granting permissions to users that belong to the same Partner as you.


You can set up Instance and Partner permissions for users outside of your own Partner in one step:

  1. Grant Instance and Partner Permissions

Step 1: Grant Instance and Partner Permissions

Log in to the Partner Portal. In the menu on the left, click on Create and select Permission.

Fill in the form:

  1. Email: Email of the User you'd like to give permissions to. The user has to be registered on the Partner Portal with this email address.
  2. Select Instances: Select the Instances you'd like to give access to from the drop-down menu by checking their checkboxes.
  3. Select access level to Instances:
    • Read: The user can display the Instance, but can't modify it.
    • Write: The user can display and modify the Instance, but can't deploy. E.g. the user can change configuration, but can't make changes in the codebase and deploy them.
    • Write and deploy: The user can display, modify, and deploy to the Instance.
  4. Select Partners: Select the Partners you'd like to give access to from the drop-down menu by checking their checkboxes.
  5. Select access level to Partners:
    • Read: The user can display the Partner, but can't modify it.
    • Write: The user can display and modify the Partner.

Once you've selected the permissions, click on Grant permissions.


Granting permissions to Partners and Instances are completely separate: If you grant permissions to an Instance, the user won't automatically get access to the Partner of that Instance. You have to set this up separately.

Next steps

Congratulations! You have set up Instance and Partner permissions for a user outside of your own Partner. You can also learn about changing the Partner that a User belongs to:


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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